RR 4, Powassan, Ontario, POH 1Z0, Canada
E-mail us at: Sandy Briggs
Sandy has been training for, handling in, and judging the Retriever
Working Certificate tests since 1966, and the CKC licensed tests since the
rules were approved in 1982.
- Sandy can carry all three levels,(Working Certificate, Working Certificate
Intermediate, and Working Certificate Excellent). She has judged WC/WCX tests
in several provinces including Quebec, Ontario, and Alberta.
- Since the approval of the CKC Hunt Test rules, Sandy has started judging
at Hunt Tests as well, and can carry a Junior and Senior Hunter stake, and has judged the Master Hunt level too.
- Ivan has started judging and has judged in WC, WCI and JH tests to date.
- Sandy is approved to judge all levels of CKC, ASCAQ, and NAMBR obedience classes and CKC and CARO Rally, and has judged
across Canada, in the USA, and several times in Bermuda. In 2008, Sandy was approved to judge TD/TDX levels in Tracking, and UTD level in 2009.
- While not approved to judge at Championship conformation shows, Sandy has
enjoyed judging all breeds at Sanctioned and Fun Matches, and has also judged
the Puppy Sweepstakes at the National Specialties for the Labrador Retriever
Club of Canada, and the Flat Coated Retriever Club of America in the U.S.
- Being an active competitor, Sandy gets to see both aspects of judging and
competing, and attends judging seminars when possible.
- During the winter when trials are not being held, Sandy is available for seminars on Retriever training, Obedience judging, Rally, and tracking.
- In the better weather, training classes are run at "Wimberway" for
obedience, field work, tracking, rally, and agility.
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