EXPERIENCE: Most long term breeders intimately know the
dogs behind their current stock and have developed their own breeding program
and type. We have been breeding, showing, training, and trialling Labrador
Retrievers since 1960.
EXPERTISE: As a long time breeder, trainer, judge,
and exhibitor, we can help our customers by phone or email. We offer training
classes in obedience, tracking, rally, and field work for those who
live close enough. We compete with our own dogs regularly, and our book "Training the Multi Purpose Labrador" is available for those who want to have fun with basic training, and want, or have, to train on their own.
We have been breeding continuously for nearly 60 years and have many repeat
customers. Many pups are sold by word of mouth and by the recommendations of
previous owners. Sons and daughters, inlaws, and grandchildren, of original customers,
have pups from us. We also have customers who have had multiple dogs from us over the years. Currently, one extended family has had 17 dogs from us since 1964. We will take back any pup/dog of our breeding that has to be rehomed for any reason.
our dogs are all registered with the Canadian Knnel Club and eligible for registration with the American, Bermudian, and other KC's in the world.
REPUTATION: We are not a puppy mill, back-yard
breeder, or fly-by night operation. We have been in business for nearly 60 years
and work with breed clubs, breed rescue, and the Veterinary professionals. We continue to learn, and work and compete with our own dogs, and have been at the same location for 35+ years. We have our own fields and ponds for training, as well as a fenced training area for training classes, rally and obedience trials, and for teaching our own dogs the basics.
WIMBERWAY dogs are behind the breeding stock of many other breeders across
Canada and in the USA, and Europe. To buy a 'Wimberway' Labrador, you have to buy direct from us. A pup sired by, or out of, one of our breeding, purchased elsewhere, is NOT a Wimberway bred Labrador and does not come with the same guarantee or on-going assistance if required.
Wimberway Labradors have been bred with emphasis on temperament,
soundness, type, and natural ability since we started. We breed for an all
round dog that can fit into any lifestyle and be capable of a wide variety of
activities. We now have dogs in the kennel from 16, 17, and 18
generations of our breeding going back to our 4 original bitches. Most of our dogs are 'middle of the road' in size and type, but we do have some smaller lines for those who want a dog that can easily travel in a canoe. A Labrador should conform in weight and size to the breed standard. 21.5" - 23.5" for a bitch, and 22.5 to 24.5" for a male, at the shoulder.
We have bred:
Over 150 Canadian Champions and
another 50 Champions have been sired by our dogs or owned by us;
American and Bermudian Champions;
Best in Show, Best in Specialty Show; and Group winners in all 3 countries; and many dogs with performance titles in:
Tracking (TD, TDX, UTD, UTDX),
Field (Field trial winners, some qualified to compete in the annual National FTCh.
WC, WCI, WCX, JH, SH,MH, NMH and UKC HR titles);
Obedience (CD,CDX,UD,OTCh,MOTCh),
Rally (RN, RI, RE, RAE, and CARO rally titles);
Agility (AgN, AgI, AgX, AgNJ, AgIJ, AgXJ as well as AAC title including 2 ATChampions Dogs that have graduated as Guide Dogs with Canine Vision Canada; dogs doing drug and bomb detection, and some with security/police forces in Canada, USA, and Switzerland.
While the titles we have produced may not be of interest to you, it does show that our dogs are capable of being multi purpose dogs as well as family dogs and hunting partners.
HIPS: All our breeding stock has been x-rayed and certified clear of Hip Dysplasia since we started breeding, including our foundation bitch, born in 1960. Dogs have to be at least 24 months of age to be certified by the OFA.
examinations by a certified Veterinary Ophthamologist (DACVO)have been done since
1968. The dogs were last checked in June/24. The dogs have also been Optigen DNA tested and cleared, allowing all pups to be clear by parentage.
ELBOWS: Hips and elbows are x-rayed at the same time at two years of age or older, and are certified by OFA.
EIC & CNM: in 2010 we started testing for CNM (Centronuclear Myopathy) and EIC (Exercise Induced Collapse), and continue to get any new dogs and youngsters checked, even if both parents have been cleared.
HEART . All the dogs were heart checked by a cardiac specialist in July/17, and y9unger dogs have been checked since. All were clear of heart defects.
As of 2012, hip and elbow evaluations are being done by OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, ofa.org, in the USA as OVC (Ontrario Veterinary College) stopped certifying x-rays in 2012. Prior to that, the dogs were certified by OVC.
We have field trial lines for those who want a higher energy dog for
working, hunting, field trials, and working tests, and all round lines
combining show, obedience, and working lines for those who want an intelligent
family companion, hunting partner, or breeding stock. We breed for a sound,
intelligent dog rather than for colour only, but do have dogs and bitches of
all three colours.
General Information
| Labradors
| Border
Terriers | Border Collies | Golden Retrievers
| Training
| Judging
| Cattle
| Goats
| Boarding
| Recent winners
| Home
Pictures and pedigrees of each dog are available by clicking on the
highlighted name listed for each dog, and pedigrees are also on www.k9data.com.
Our team of stud dogs include a wide variety of bloodlines, both show and
field lines.
They all have excellent temperaments, strong working desire, and
are natural breeders.
Incoming bitches must have hip, elbow, and current eye clearances, have good
temperament, and be on an open registration certificate.
Being tested for EIC and CNM is also recommended/preferred.
We require that they be CKC registered if in Canada.
'Huck' at Sault Ste Marie after completing his Championsip, May 2017.
Aug 28/11 - May 2024. Black carrying yellow.
By CH,TCh Wimberway's Helzapopin CD WC RE CGN,VC, out of Wimberway's Ruckus.
An active, outgoing dog, he loved to retrieve and always wanted to please.
He was shown to his Championship, and won a Best Puppy in Group when 7 mos of age.
He received his VC (Versatlity Certificate) from the LOC in 2017. He has a leg to his JH, and completed his RA in May/18.
OFA certified clear for hips and elbows, eyes (Optigen),is Cardiac, CNM and EIC clear, and has DACVO eye clearances. We have close relatives of his in our breeding program and he gave us several excellent litters.
Pedigree: Huck
4 month old "Lucky", By Rocky x Hope, born Jan 14/13,
has his first tracking lesson with owner, June/13.
Black carrying yellow.
In tracking, he passed his TD title at 8 months of age, and also earned two legs towards his RN the same day.
He earned his TDX in June/14 at 16 mos of age, and completed his RN title the same day.
He earned his WC in July/14 at Mountain Velley Club's tests.
He passed his UTD title on May 29/15, and is now retiored from competition.
He completed his Championship in Oct/17, and earned his LOC VC the same year.
Hips and elbows: OFA certified. Eyes DACVO checked clear. Optigen, Cardiologist, CNM & EIC clear.
By Ch,TCh Wimberway's Helzapopin CD WC RE,VC x Ch Wimberway's Vibrance WC,TD,RN,VC,
Pedigree: Lucky
A new youngster in our breeding program, he is a black carrying yellow and chocolate. Sired by Chilbrook Bounty Hunter WC,JH,RI,ATD,VC, and out of Wimberway's Trick or Treat - a full sister to "Huck". He has eye and heart cleances, and is clear for EIC, CNM, etc by parentage. Just waiting on official DNA test results. He will be x-rayed when 2 years of age for OFA certifications.
Aug 10/16-June 8/24.
"Ben" pictured at the Soo in May 2018 when he completed his RN in 3 straight trials with a 1st placing.
By FTCh Watermark's The Boss, x NMH Dandesg Miss Laurel Fiji WCX MH.
A medium yellow, he loved to swim and retrieve, and had a great temperament.
He earned his RN in consecutive trials at the Soo in May/18 with a first placing and two second placings,
and completed his RI title in Sept/19.
He has started training for tracking and
earned his TD title in Sept/20, and came close to getting his TDX in Sept/23..
A proven stud, with OFA hip and elbow clearances, eyes and heart cleared, and clear by DNA testing for EIC,CNM,DM, Cystiniria, PRA/PRCD, and the dilute gene.
Pedigree: Ben
"Archer" pictured as a puppy, having fun in the paddock.
By SHR 'TTF Silvernsipe Mississippi Red Man',WCI,JH,a dark yellow from parents imported from England. Dam: GCh Biscay Faveur De La Vie,CGN,RA,WCI,JH,CD,CA,RATS,Bh RATI.
"Archer" is a smaller dog, well balanced, medium yellow, with a great temperament. He loves to please, and earned his RN and Ri titles early inj 2023, and earned his TD in Sept/23. He combines a pedigree of English Field trial Champions and Canadian show, obedience, and working lines. He has OFA hip, elbow, and eye clearance, and is DNA cleared for EIC, PRA, DM,and CNM., and echocardiogrammed clear for heart.
Pedigree: Pedigree: Archer
Born: Aug 24/23.
A lighter yellow, Zip is an active athletic dog, and is by Ajtop Wimberway Ben RN RI TD, out of Wimberway's Roea Perky.
: Zip earned his RN in 2023, and his RI title in 2024. He is a keen retriever. A proven stud, he has OFA hip, elbow and eye certification, as well a having echocardiogrammed clear heart, and DNA clear for EIC, CNM, DM,PRA.
Pedigree to be posted soon.
Born Feb 26, 2021..
"Buck" was bred by Debby Kay in Viginia, USA, and is by FC Money Talks ll, out of Tara of Chilbrook TD,TDI. Due to covid and the border being closed, he didn't get to us until he was over 9 months of age. While in the US, he earned several Trick Dog titles, as well as 3 of the 4 legs towards his Am JH title. In 2022 he was very busy - earning his RN, RI, WC, and JH titles with us. Now working on more advanced titles, he has been started in Tracking. His peigree combines American field trial lines and Enlish working lines. He has OFA hip, elbow, and eye certifications, and his heart is echocardiogrammed clear. He is DNA clear of EIC,CNM, PRA,DM, and d-locus. A proven stud, he carries yellow.
Pedigree to be posted soon, and is on the k9data website.
General Information
| Labradors
| Border
Terriers | Border Collies | Golden Retrievers
| Training
| Judging
| Cattle
| Goats
| Boarding
| Recent winners
| Home
At any given time we will have pups, seniors, and various ages in between here in the house and kennel.
It is often possible to see the parents of a puppy, and some of the grandparents, aunts or uncles, or related dogs as well.
All our bitches have hip, elbow, eye, heart, CNM, and EIC clearances. Some of our bitches are 12 generations of our breeding. The chocolate bitches and blacks carrying chocolate are all DNA tested clear of the dilute gene that produces silver.
We have bitches of all 3 colours, from show, field trial, and working lines. All have great temperaments and we show and trial them when possible.
Our breeding bitches all live with us so we can work with them, train, show and/or trial them, although we do limited showing and trialling due to judging commitments.
"Baloo", 4 mos old pup, (Ben x Teaka), now owned by the Patterson's of Kingston, ON.
Thankyou for visiting. Have a good day.
General Information
| Labradors
| Border
Terriers | Border Collies | Golden Retrievers
| Training
| Judging
| Cattle
| Goats
| Boarding
| Recent winners
| Home